Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Class musings

so im taking a class at VCu entitled the writings of Paul . amazing. we are now studying Romans. and i am blown away . i love becoming a real student of this living , breathing word. ok so. Its great the power in one scripture. let's look at this :

I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:first for the Jew , then for the Gentile . Romans 1:16

its interesting that Paul doesnt describe the gospel as a message , or a theology , no he says its a POWer. That is because Paul's understanding of sin, he sees sin also as a power that has captured humanuty . And only through the power of Gospel can the power of sin be broken, sin is the power and flesh is the tendency to give in . Oh if we would meditate upon this, and let is stir in our hearts. We are more than bearers of a message BUT THE ONLY POWER THAT CAN BREAK THE POWER OF SIN , over people's lives through the gospel . and its not our power which makes it SO MUCH BETTEr it is the FREAKING POWER OF GOD ( im a lil excited). ha.
People are helpless and harrased, if this doesnt stir us to a sense of urgency and compassion, what will . God please help us all , spirit of revelation please come.

pressing on ,
rachel .

THis is my new favorite verse, what do you think it means?

beautiful imagery

But thanks be to God , who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.
For we are to GOd the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.
II corinthians 2:14-16

im reposting this because , i had this experience again.
when will i learn it is only You , that satisfies the deepest longings of my soul.
why i so distracted and content will false nurture, with junk food, temporary satisfaction ,all fading.
what is one to do?

driving around Richmond
its one am in the morning
in search of something to eat
supposedly driven by the hunger of a skipped dinner
driving down streets
as the lights roll over the windshield
displaying signs for false nurture
staring at the faces of people on the street
wondering what stories lie behind those eyes
i am hungry for you God
i am craving you
yet i dont know how to articulate this yearning
so i drive
wait the village cafe.... no closed their kitchen early tonight
back in the car
as i drive around
and around
morning begins
and i have returned here
in the silence of my heart
exactly what i have been running from
frustrated by the pursuit of the futile
wounded from the pain of unfufilled desire
tears have become my food
so i sleep
my only consolance
maybe as i dream
i would meet YOU .

Spring IS HERE.
my favorite time of year.
iTs something about this time of year , that awakens my SPiRIT.

Spring MUisngs...

THe Sounds of spring
Reveberates of my wall and swells
awakening a part of me i know not so well
that you have awakened anew
a part of me that i have only found in you
You speak to me in the spring breeze
telling me the beauty of my skin of ebony
With the rustle of the trees
The fragrance of you , captivates Me
for you have called me into this mystery .
As i lay in the sun
and rays of light
wrap and warm my brown skin
you speak to me of Your beauty
of me as Your bride,
Lips unseen
calling to the depths of me
As i face the vulnerability and the transperancy
of giving YOu all of me
A love that will last for an eternity
is more than my mind can concieve
For your prescence wounds me,
leaving me with a desire for more of you that makes me weak .
So i speak back in whispered words
a love song
that is heard
for i have become a women of one thing
to gaze upon your beauty
my bridegroom ,
my King.

FOrGettinG whaT Is BeHinD And StRainiNG ToWaRd WhAt Is AheAd , i Press on toward wHAt is ahead, i press On toWard the Goal to Win the PRize for wHiCh GOd has caLLEd me heavenwaRD in Christ JEsuS. PhiliPians 3:13-14

i haven't posted in a while its been a lot going on , and this has become my theme verse.
i will continue to press on .
i have set my face towards God
my heart towards this purpose
my will towards his will.

So ok. to all my adoring fans( ie. jen and ryan....and megan!! )
i am officially a poet.
i have joined a poetry/musicians/drama group entilted lyric ave.
here's the link
WorLD Take over BEgins NOW!! uhhhhh....i mean.....this should be fun (wink , wink)
but seriously im really excited
i am expecting to be stretched so much as a poet and artist , but also as a person in character
i admit im a lil skeptic b/c im def. by all means the youngest person there.
But i will remember not to be ashamed of my youth.
i will simply share the TRuth.

pressing on ,

Friday, March 11, 2005

me. Posted by Hello

my meditation pose ! HA. or just caught in the act .:) Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 05, 2005

It's odd that it is always at times when i should be sleeping
i end up blogging
it seems i am more prone to be pensive at 1am in the morning
as my mind drifts
so now as i sit here so many things fly around in my mind
lately i have been musing on things God have been teaching me
of late the cruciformity of love..
ive been thinking about writing a poem apologizing to love
for the way we have defamed its honour and its name
its worth , the truth of love.
i want to do it but i dont know where to start , so much to say.
but ive been learning lately love is def. not a feeling , and never to be confused with lust.
That to love is as much a choice of the will as any thing God has called us to be obedient to .
I am taking a class studying the writings of Paul and we are reading a book by Michael Gorman
called the "Apostle of the Crucified Lord" here is an excerpt on the chapter looking at Paul's theology: "Love has a very specific meaning for Paul-conformity to the pattern of Christ's self-giving , sacrificial love on the cross: "who loved me by giving himself for me (gal. 2:20) .Love therefore less a feeling than an action. Negatively love does not "insist on its own way" or "seek its own interest".In effect love is the edification of the other. It is the gift of self to others, the willingness to "spend and be spent" for them .
This is where i struggle. The fear of the giving oneself over totally in love. In vulnerability in transperancy . Then that means that pain and suffering is inevitable .For men are unstable and unfaithful and we are not to put our hope , faith nor trust in them .
In the light of the unity of marriage how does one handle this?
how is one free from fear , of giving their self wholly to another, to unite, to become one.
This unerves me ,but i long to give love whole-heartedly , to serve another ,
for i would rather give love freely and fully , rather than to hide love out of fear.
For hidden love hurts as well .
well... i should be off .
i pray the LOVe would show me his ways.
-night to all-
-pressing on -