Monday, February 23, 2004

close ur eyes and imagine this....

a song.

There's an army rising.
slowly brooding.
there warriors rising from the dust.
there's a army arising.
unseen .arising shaken off the dust.
arise, arise.
nameless faces, drainded of coLor.
there's an army rising, power brooding.
can you hear it.
the sound of the mighty trumpet of zion.
Saying rise, my Army .
Arise Oh Sleeper.
An army who has Heard their King say
Victory is mine.
Arise, arise My Warriors for the battle is already won.
Can you see them.
Rising , rising like the sun.
an army arising on the horizon.
shaking of the dust.
Mighty warriors.
nameless faces turned towards their KIng.

okay so with the passion movie coming out, GOd is going to do something awesome.
Nicole said this will be kairos time, a window in time where in the spiritual reaLm somethings happening , things are changing, moving rearranging. The truth will shatter every lie . iTs time.

a song.

there's an expectation for your glorification.
something in my spirit , knowing that you are moving.
ThinGs changing, bounds breaking, Satan is ShakinG.
In the heavenlies , in the spiritual ReaLm,
my sPIritual eyes and ears tell me.
Daddy's moving , the enemy's Losing
SO i ask Daddy what are you doing?
Daddy what are you doing?
Gotta know wanna be a part.
somethings brewing , and im still stewing
asking Daddy what are you doing.
an glorious expectation for this nation, for this generation.
earths shaking, mountains quaking.
daddy what are you doinG?
Like a lil child peeking over your shouldEr.
I want to see .
how you plaN to win.
so i can laUgh at the enemy.
Daddy what are you DoinG?

hey guys today was SELAh Mun's bday. this is a shout of for my dawg. seliqua. i love u girL. i gotcha back.hahaha.wishing you blessings and love on your 19th yr upon this earth. u have such a call up ur life. love you much.

this was written a while ago, after a peroid of learning that being silent in God's prescence speaks volumes.

silence, silence, silence
all is still in the presence of god
the silence, silence the stillness covers all
the world fades away my mind slips, slips, slips
into the glory of your presence
silence, silence, silence, be still don’t move, just wait
can you hear?
that’s the song he sings over your life, his will for you his love
he calls you his beloved, his treasure, his heart, the one he couldn’t live without
have you ever wanted to hold your breath,
so there would be no sound, no movement, no nothing
just silence, nothing your flesh could do to distract you in his presence
there in his presence I want to kiss you jesus to tell you thank you
to say I love you more than mere actions or words could say
in the stillness in that silence, silence, silence
you dance with my sprit god, my soul
you burn, burn inside of me, changing me as I sit at your feet
so be sill in the just silence, listen, just listen, just wait, don’t move,
don’t go just sit all you need is there.
in his silence, silence in his presence, where all else fades
so in the quiet oh spirit listen and hear your god
there is bread for you here
the silence, silence, silence rushes like a river
washing away all the hurt, pain, problems, desires, yearnings, filling voids

so be silent, just silent, be quiet, sit at the lamb’s feet
and entangle yourself with your lord
be still my flesh and sit the realm of god’s love
in the silence…

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Im seeing with my natural Eyes perfectlY
Straining with my spiritual eyes , like a new born child
cant really make out colors or distinction ,
Just see forms of things no distincitions
and a expectation of whats there.

It seems like we live in a matrix
blind to who we are
blind to the realm of eternity
for what is visible
blind to your love God
to who you are
to who you have called us ot be
break the veiL
let us see
through the darkened glass
open our understanding to see

I play this game i pretend i dont want you to notice
but yet i do.
and when you dont i feel so insecure
why do i allow you to feed this brokeness
longing to be whole
wanting to find my security in God alone
but bent towards you
wanting to be free
but i ask myself do i really
still here , still waiting ,
playing this game in my heart
pretending that im not watching you watching me
and on the inside smiling
then feeling horrible afterwards for letting you feed me
and nourishing this insecurity.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Jesus i aDore you...
adore-to cherish with unwavering affection, to be EspeCially found of.

...I will put enmity between you (serpent-satan) and the woman....(gen.3:15)
enmity-hostility, feeling or displaying ill will , threatning, antagonistic, detrimental to health or well being, an enemy,,,,,,

COOL WORdss ....
Passion:passio -latin for suffering
Agony : greek for contest
( go see the Passion by Mel Gibson)

the Lord is My Banner:Yahweh Nissi
God is My Helper: Elizer ( moses 2nd son;ex.18:4)

Good stuff....

danger with looking back tend to Look back with Rose-colored glasses.
Think past seasons were great, but not really.
we romanticized the past we compare the present with the past.
Paul says when we do this we lack understanding : compare ourselves with ourselves.

Prophetic Singing-
Truth is a PERSON, not a conCEPT......

Written on the way to IHOP....

FEar has grasped me attempting to force me into the image the world has created for me.
But i dont fit , the cut out is to shallow, to Fake , to thin , to tall , to seXuaL
I DOnt Fit
So FEar has tried to slash at me
To cuT me , take away to makE me fiT
Grabbing my Identity , freEdom , Uniqueness
My Worth, to try to make me fit in its ImagE
but THe Image that FIts me,
wHere I fit in perfectly
is the Image OF GOd.

Moving, running , trying, striving
Scared to sit still, dont want to think,
Running from your prescence for the truth of my heart always comes out in your LighT.
AfRaid of who I imaginE you to be.
The frowning , cruel Father that ive seen.
but something is calLing yeaRining for yOU .
Grips the deepest parTs of mE. Crying out to FIlL this desire.
So i faLl, coLLaPse, lay dowN at your Feet asking you
Father Help mE, to be what you have calleD me to be.
I no LongEr want to be who Ive cReated with my Pride, my Idolatry , my LuSt.
Realizing in ME i am you hear that you wicked HeaRt NOthinG. without JesUS i aM lost.
SOmetimes i think who Do i think i am , to do this alone in my own strength.
StriVING to be someone , but who , who , am I imulating for i dont know me for i am yet to know you.
So i conform , change shades like a cameleon and Oh God its done SO easily. how easily i can change the shades of ME.
Conforming to those around me, to fuel this ReJection.
Yes there goes that word again.
me, us, this generation raised in it . Rejected by parents, friends , family, society , our own culture.
Rejection which leaves us hurt , insecure, striving, leads us to sin...
SO my understanding has fallen short again.
Crying out for wisdom, wisdom , fall UPon us
the spirit of revelation oh LOrd how do your people break free....
there is more oh there is so much more
my spirit the spirit of God who dwells within tells us .
woo us , leads us ,entices us , keens our senses to the depth of this ...
God it feels like iim on the brink of it , but cant quite fall into you .
Like im standing there sensing, knowing its there , the yearning for this but i cant See it with my eyes.
so the Cry the hunger burns on the inside.
Ive been so hungry for IT, i can almost taste it....

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

This started out looking like a long week, but GOd is definitely going to use it for his Glory...:).

Friday, February 13, 2004

To the woman He said........Yet your desire and craving will be for your husband and he will rule over you. GEnesis 3:16

Since then , since those words spoken by God. that curse that hovers broods.
it all goes back to the beginning of life. back to the fall of man.This curse us women carRy. we are beNt toward men. needIng them , craving them, our desiRe for them and toWard them. Oh how this cuRse shapes us,an thorN in our flEsh, so to speak. We say we dont need them but how we desire them. all traced back to EvE. they rule over us . Cant you see how we are bent, towards men when God never planned for us to be bent toward anything of the earth to fill our desIRe , our longings foR lovE. I am cuRsed, and I want to be Free God.
I want to deSire only you in my heart, the lonGings onlY for you Jesus. For you to be my Love , the one i seek, the one i require , my ONLY hearts desire. oh God but this curSe. i hatE the way i DesiRe meN, i despise craving insiDe what i dont want , emtionally bent, broken, marred, inside, this HeaRt is . cuRsed.from the begInninG of time.

trying to find me ,but i am yet to know me for i have yet to know You. and me is not something i need to search for .For it was never lost, you have always known who you have chosen me to bE. Who you saw RacHeL to be from the begginning of timE. Please God let me see. still i am yeT to knoW.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

So this is my blogger.sweet! this is awEsome. Here's the poem i wrote that inspired the name ..written whiLe @ IhOP(wooo) while practically living in the PraYer room....

God You daNCe with us.
Our etErnaL comPaniOn .
SwInginG, dIpping.tuRninG. SwayinG.
You leaD me.You throW mE up. tWirL me.
We swAy.
This RomanTic baLlad. alWays leading me to You.
Eyes LockEd on You.FathEr
FrEe thEre is FreEdoM in OuR tanGo.
I movE to The BeAt oF youR HeaRt.
FrEe .No FoRm.
DancE.DaNCe My ChIld.
SpiN.twiRl. I WiLl catCh yoU.
I will Catch you.stop You.lead you.
GiVe you the movemEnTs ,the stePs
Dance tHis EtErNaL daNCe....

hey guys.

Disclaimer(this website could be potentially dangerous to those living without Christ in your life, you might encounter the Holy Spirit in such a way that will change your life and heart. The author will not take responsibility if such an occurence should occur) :)

I submit this website under the complete authority of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.