Monday, February 23, 2004

okay so with the passion movie coming out, GOd is going to do something awesome.
Nicole said this will be kairos time, a window in time where in the spiritual reaLm somethings happening , things are changing, moving rearranging. The truth will shatter every lie . iTs time.

a song.

there's an expectation for your glorification.
something in my spirit , knowing that you are moving.
ThinGs changing, bounds breaking, Satan is ShakinG.
In the heavenlies , in the spiritual ReaLm,
my sPIritual eyes and ears tell me.
Daddy's moving , the enemy's Losing
SO i ask Daddy what are you doing?
Daddy what are you doing?
Gotta know wanna be a part.
somethings brewing , and im still stewing
asking Daddy what are you doing.
an glorious expectation for this nation, for this generation.
earths shaking, mountains quaking.
daddy what are you doinG?
Like a lil child peeking over your shouldEr.
I want to see .
how you plaN to win.
so i can laUgh at the enemy.
Daddy what are you DoinG?


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