Friday, June 17, 2005

Greetings fellow bloggers ,
i am back in Richmond for the summer , taking 4 chemistry classes in 9 weeks ,needless to say i am doing nothing but studying . But it is actually nice , to not be working and going to school at the same time , as i do in the the normal year. It leaves plenty of time for studying and pursuing other things ive been meaning to catch up on ,like studying music theory or finally readin g ON the ORigin of Species by Charles Darwin. I feel as a biology major i should read this book .ha. But it also leaves plenty of empty time, its not alot of people around this summer. And my life changed completey while i was in Latvia , when i returned it didnt quite feel like home anymore, and on my first night back as i sat in Ryan's car , i just cried. Change is frightening , though exciting to see what God has the new season , i longed for the comfort of returning home. but it wasnt there . So my bed and my pillows embraced me and rocked me to sleep. So i expect this summer to be oh so interesting , i ll be sure to found exploring the intricacies of Richmond, with my new friend the i-pod the possibilites are endless

a blurb from my lastest journal raving i felt like this lately .....

I NEED as if my soul were like the desert calling out for rain
I NEED like looking into the eyes of a young girl whose father was
never there
or who never cared
or never said, "my beauty i love you"
I NEED like a starving person needs Nutrition
every atom, every molecule calling out for provision
I NEED eternally
I NEED like a fetus needs a mothers womb
I NEED like a deer pants for water during high noon
I NEED like you need your next breath to live
I NEED so deep i feel as sometimes my soul has nothing to give
I NEED so fully that my soul quakes as every action
every decision becomes this chase
after something greater
something more
a hungry soul bent on satiation
on fascination..
i NEED so much i can almost taste it



At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE as the heaviest downpour to flood your every crevice & gully
I LOVE while gazing intensely to catch your gaze while you twirl in the meadow I created with writing in the clouds:
My beauty, I LOVE you
I LOVE eternally
I LOVE so deep I would rather die than live without you
I LOVE so fully that my soul quakes as every action
every decision becomes this chase
after something greater
something more
a hungry soul fulfilled by Me..
I LOVE so much i can taste it
and so can you
~Love, Daddy


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