arrgsffdsfdksfs;adlkfsadlkfjsldkfjlwwlhalktrljhappens dfafjdjflkwhnedafdafasdfakfwekbniwkrwejfroiewajroewirjowejroeiwjroeiwhrowehroeihrowehroewrhowreiwroewihwoihrwoeihriwerowrorhowehroweirhwoihroiethis is how i feel my words all jumbledt rying to find a way out of my heart how do you express your spirit what words can contain it . what words could be deep enough to explain it things like eternal longing , things like your deep love and thoughts my great longing , how do i express these realitys . and sometimes no words even come just an hovering silence , waiting , wanting, more than what ive got here, longing wanting , something , come fill me.
tHis is My LiFe,mY woRds,my tHougHts,my HeArt as I swaY to tHe EtErnaL rythmN of GoD's Love sonG. SometimeS a RoMantIc baLlad , oR a TanGo, or a balleT, nEver Alone.He Leads me On......
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